OpenLab Tunis

OpenLab Tunis

The first Openlab in Tunisia, specizalized in textiles

The open digital manufacturing lab (OpenLab Tunis) is an open and multidisciplinary space for experiencing and experimenting with relevant digital manufacturing technologies in the hardware domain bringing different stakeholders and partners together. The OpenLab is run by the OpenLab Team of CETTEX.

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Our activities

  • Conception
  • Prototyping
  • 3D printing
  • Development of Industrial solutions
  • Fabrication
  • Machine building

Our objectives

  • Support digital transition of industrial sector in Tunisia.
  • Promote integration of new solutions/products/hardware developed from Open Source and adapt the use of these solutions to industrial level.
  • Provide technical assistance to Open lab Beneficiaries in order to develop innovative projects
  • Strengthen Tunisian skills in the field of emerging technologies and digital manufacturing.
  • Strengthen collaboration between CETTEX and its partners
  • Improve in terms of innovation, quality and reliability in order to improve productivity and competitiveness in Textile and Clothing sector.


  • Industrial companies and project holders
  • Students and Startups
  • Technical Centers
  • Research Institutes and Fablabs

Machines in the OpenLab Tunis

3D printers & Scanners / CNC machines / Laser Cutter / Tools for machining and electronics equipment

As part of the initiative ’Towards an Industry 4.0 in Tunisia’, we have implemented an Open Laboratory for Digital Manufacturing (OpenLab) to promote innovation and local value creation with digital fabrication with the support of the New Production Institute, an interdisciplinary research group at the Laboratory of Production Engineering (LaFT) at Helmut Schmidt University.

Project manager Dr. Juan Manuel Grados Luyando | NPI/HSU |


OpenLab Tunis at CETTEX Avenue des Industries, Z.I. Bir El Kassaa 2013 Ben Arous, Tunisia

Tél: (+216) 95 381 510

Fax: (216) 71 382 558

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Facebook: Centre Technique du Textile – Cettex